Small Steps, from Building Renovations to our First Catalogue!

Hi to Everyone who has kindly added themselves to our webpage over the last 2-3wks, so this is our and my own maiden blog! The first catalogue has come together well with some great consignments locally within the Halifax region, and although it’s a relatively modest collection, I think it represents a good level of variety and quality, in addition to being a suitable start for our new staff team, clerking and office-wise..

The time its taken to refurbish the building and bring it up to code has taken a while, but we’re pleased with all the hard work and effort, hopefully we’ll get some good feedback from the public from this coming Friday onwards.. There’s still some tweaks for us with regards to the space and once things take off later in the year, all things being well, we’ll expand the display areas into the 1st floor as well as the GF, but for the time being the big steps are shared with the small ones.

Here is a link to the first catalogue as featured on Easylive Auction’s bidding platform, where you’ll be able to see the initial upload for next Sunday, I’m also popping an update into our catalogue page of this website, keep up the interest and the buying and selling, thank you! James

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